Karen Eckelmeyer

Karen Eckelmeyer is a self-taught artist currently working in colored pencils. Her work is amazing in detail, resonance and quality of light. Karen's art comes from simple raw, raw, wonderful talent. Everyone's reaction to seeing her images around the studio is basically the same - awe with a bit of disbelief. Awe in the incredible detail and brilliance...disbelief that the images were created with colored pencil. Most people first think that her work is either a photograph or something done in trompe-l'oeil. When you see her work you have to walk closer to get a better look. Most people end up touching the surface of the image as to see if it is real.

You can tell much of the artists through their canvas. Karen's images ar bright, joyous and warm. So is she. Karen is such a delightful, humble and kind person, to know her adds to your appreciation of her art. It is not often that the owner of a piece of art gets to meet the artist. This is often a shame. If everyone that owned one of Karen's work knew her they would surely have an even deeper appreciation of her art. With a degree in Plant Science for Penn State and a passion for gardening, Karen's work frequently portrays nature around her Bucks County home. With her husband, two young children and a number of gardens to tend to, Karen often is creating works beginning late at night and working into the wee hours of the morning. Whenever and however she manages to work at her art, each piece is fresh and new. Of course, Karen always thinks the "aren't as good as they should be", that's just her character. Her work is beautiful and I hope you have an opportunity to know Karen...and her work.